Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Jared's first Easter...his first Easter basket...his first Easter egg...and his first Easter outfit to go to Church in. I know you can see Laura's hand but his smile was just to cute in this picture. As mentioned previously Jared had his 4 month shots on Wednesday and he is feeling a ton better, back to his usual chipper self. He has been waking up at night but only to eat. He has been taking any where from 6 to 8 oz before going to sleep but its not holding him over until morning. He takes about another 4 oz and usually goes back to sleep. Those darn shots messed everything up...he was sleeping from 8:30pm to 7:30am for a couple of weeks and then the shots set him back to waking up at night. Oh well. Lately Jared has taken to 'singing' or 'talking', which ever one you want to go with. He just lays or sits there and lets you know what he is thinking etc... Its way cute except for the high pitch squeals every once in awhile, those in the ear I could do without!) Other than that we are just doing fine and dandy, we are starting to look for houses and all the fun that goes with that. So hopefully we find something to move in to by June or so.

1 comment:

KaWheelers said...

Hey! I was snooping around and found you guys :) Jared is so big now!! And that smile is so cute!! How are you guys doing?!