Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Update

Dad is doing a ton better, yesterday he had more of an appetite and I was able to get him to eat some food and drink more fluids. His blood pressure has gone down to really good levels, his oxygen level in his blood has been staying at 100 and on his own without the oxygen in the 90's. His heart rate has leveled out around 100, earlier yesterday and on Wednesday he was only around the 60's and since putting in the external pace maker his heart has only needed it a couple of times to keep it from going too slow.

When the lady came in this morning to do his EKG his heart rate goes up a ton because he gets nervous or something. His heart rate yesterday was all over the place when she came in to do the EKG, this morning I tried getting him to be less nervous about it but his HR still went up to the 140 range and then crashing to the 40's and 50's. Don't be alarmed, it does this a couple of times a day and when his HR goes under 60 the pacemaker kicks in to keep it going at a faster rate.

So mostly besides helping out with going shishi and helping him adjust in bed so his okole doesn't hurt too much, feeding him and making him drink stuff is all I am doing. His creatin level has come down from 2.5 to 2.1 so that is why they are going forward with the angioplasty and putting in some stents (answer to every ones prayers -thank you).

So that is the update for now, once again we thank everyone for their prayers on Dad's behalf and on his doctors and nurses behalves as well and the out pouring of Love and Aloha to our Ohana, we are humbled and grateful for the blessing of being able to call everyone of you Family and Friends.



1 comment:

Andrea J said...

I'm so sorry that your Dad is in the hospital, but glad that it sounds like you have every reason to be VERY hopeful. Amazing what drs. can do, I'm glad you get to be there with him. You'll be in our prayers.