Sunday, December 14, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

Last week Saturday we took an early drive with my parents to go get our Christmas tree. We go to the same tree farm every year called Noble Star and pick out our own noble fir tree to cut down. Last year it snowed on us, this year it was sunny and about 4o dergrees. You have to love Oregon winters.
We got the tree home set it up and then we all went to Mt. Angel where they had a Christmas festival through out the town. It was okay, but the best part is there is this Bavarian restaurant called the Glockenspeil. They had some very tasty sausage and cheese fondue! It was delicious! Then Santa showed up on a firetruck and Jared had fun watching Santa and listening talk to all the kids there.
We started decorating the tree when we got home, putting lights on it and trying not to over do it like we did on our last tree in Utah that was a beacon for Santa so he could land in Herriman (seriously the tree had so many lights you couldn't look at it directly for fear of going blind). It took us a couple day s to decorate the tree but we set up our North Pole Christmas village and Jared just loves pointing at it and saying "that, that" his favorite word.

1 comment:

Michele said...

So have you gotten away with decorating even the bottom of the tree with Jared around? We decorated our tree with lights and the next morning the cats had removed the bottom quarter/third of the lights... hmmm. Looks beautiful as always!